Kamis, Juni 28, 2007


Without follow-up field control, all the statistical theory involved in mixed proportioning becomes an academic exercise.
The complete description of initial proportions should include: cement analysis and source; specific gravity, absorption, proportions of each standard sieve size; fineness modulus; and organic tests for fine and coarse aggregates used, as well as their weights and maximum nominal sizes.
If the source of any aggregate is changed, new trial batches should be made. A cement analysis should be obtained for each new shipment of cement. The aggregate gradings and organic content should be checked at least daily, or for each 150 yd3. The moisture content (or slump) should be checked continuously for all aggregates, and suitable adjustments should be made in batch weights. When the limits of ASTM C33 or C330 for grading or organic content are exceeded, proper materials should be secured and new mix proportions developed, or until these measurements can be effected, concrete production may continue on an emergency basis but with a penalty of additional cement.


The ACI 318 Building Code requires prior approval by the engineer of admixtures to be used in concrete.
Air Entrainment. Air-entraining admixtures (ASTM C260) may be interground as additives with the cement at the mill or added separately at the concrete mixing plant, or both. Where quality control is provided, it is preferable to add such admixtures at the concrete plant so that the resulting air content can be controlled for changes in temperature, sand, or project requirements.
Use of entrained air is recommended for all concrete exposed to weathering or deterioration from aggressive chemicals. The ACI 318 Building Code requires air entrainment for all concrete subject to freezing temperatures while wet. Detailed recommendations for air content are available in ‘‘Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete,’’ ACI 211.1, and ‘‘Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concrete,’’ ACI 211.2.
One common misconception relative to air entrainment is the fear that it has a deleterious effect on concrete strength. Air entrainment, however, improves workability. This will usually permit some reduction in water content. For lean, lowstrength mixes, the improved workability permits a relatively large reduction in water content, sand content, and water-cementitious materials ratio, which tends to increase concrete strength. The resulting strength gain offsets the strength-reducing effect of the air itself, and a net increase in concrete strength is achieved. For rich, high-strength mixes, the relative reduction in the ratio of water to cementitious materials, water-cementitious materials ratio, is lower and a small net decrease in strength results, about on the same order of the air content (4 to 7%). The improved durability and reduction of segregation in handling, because of the entrained air, usually make air entrainment desirable, however, in all concrete except extremely high-strength mixtures, such as for lower-story interior columns or heavy-duty interior floor toppings for industrial wear.
Accelerators. Calcium chloride for accelerating the rate of strength gain in concrete (ASTM D98) is perhaps the oldest application of admixtures. Old specifications for winter concreting or masonry work commonly required use of a maximum of 1 to 3% CaCl2 by weight of cement for all concrete. Proprietary admixtures now available may include accelerators, but not necessarily CaCl2. The usual objective for use of an accelerator is to reduce curing time by developing 28-day strengths in about 7 days (ASTM C494).
In spite of users’ familiarity with CaCl2, a number of misconceptions about its effect persist. It has been sold (sometimes under proprietary names) as an accelerator, a cement replacement, an ‘‘antifreeze,’’ a ‘‘waterproofer,’’ and a ‘‘hardener.’’ It is simply an accelerator; any improvement in other respects is pure serendipity.
Experience, however, indicates corrosion damage from indiscriminate use of chloride-containing material in concrete exposed to stray currents, containing dissimilar metals, containing prestressing steel subject to stress corrosion, or exposed to severe wet freezing or salt water. The ACI 318 Building Code prohibits the use of calcium chloride or admixtures containing chloride from other than impurities from admixture ingredients in prestressed concrete, in concrete containing embedded aluminum, or in concrete cast against stay-in-place galvanized forms. The Code also prohibits the use of calcium chloride as an admixture in concrete that will be exposed to severe or very severe sulfate-containing solutions. For further information, see ‘‘Chemical Admixtures for Concrete,’’ ACI 212.3R.
Retarders. Unless proper precautions are taken, hot-weather concreting may cause ‘‘flash set,’’ plastic shrinkage, ‘‘cold joints,’’ or strength loss. Admixtures that provide controlled delay in the set of a concrete mix without reducing the rate of strength gain during subsequent curing offer inexpensive prevention of many hotweather concreting problems. These (proprietary) admixtures are usually combined with water-reducing admixtures that more than offset the loss in curing time due to delayed set (ASTM C494). See ‘‘Hot Weathering Concreting,’’ ACI 305R, for further details on retarders, methods of cooling concrete materials, and limiting temperatures for hot-weathering concreting.
Superplasticizers. These admixtures, which are technically known as ‘‘high-range water reducers,’’ produce a high-slump concrete without an increase in mixing water. Slumps of up to 10 in. for a period of up to 90 min can be obtained. This greatly facilitates placing concrete around heavy, closely spaced reinforcing steel, or in complicated forms, or both, and reduces the need for vibrating the concrete. It is important that the slump of the concrete be verified at the jobsite prior to the addition of the superplasticizer. This ensures that the specified water-cementitious materials ratio required for watertight impermeable concrete is in fact being
achieved. The superplasticizer is then added to increase the slump to the approved level.
Waterproofing. A number of substances, such as stearates and oils, have been used as masonry-mortar and concrete admixtures for ‘‘waterproofing.’’ Indiscriminate use of such materials in concrete without extremely good quality control usually results in disappointment. The various water-repellent admixtures are intended to prevent capillarity, but most severe leakage in concrete occurs at honeycombs, cold joints, cracks, and other noncapillary defects. Concrete containing waterrepellent admixtures also requires extremely careful continuous curing, since it will be difficult to rewet after initial drying.
Waterproof concrete can be achieved by use of high-strength concrete with a low water-cementitious materials ratio to reduce segregation and an air-entraining agent to minimize crack width. Also, good quality control and inspection is essential during the mixing, placing, and curing operations. Surface coatings can be used to improve resistance to water penetration of vertical or horizontal surfaces. For detailed information on surface treatments, see ‘‘Guide to Durable Concrete,’’ ACI 201.2R.
Cement Replacement. The term ‘‘cement replacement’’ is frequently misused in reference to chemical admixtures intended as accelerators or water reducers. Strictly, a cement replacement is a finely ground material, usually weakly cementitious (Art. 9.1), which combines into a cementlike paste replacing some of the cement paste to fill voids between the aggregates. The most common applications of these admixtures are for low-heat, low-strength mass concrete or for concrete masonry. In the former, they fill voids and reduce the heat of hydration; in the latter, they fill voids and help to develop the proper consistency to be self-standing as the machine head is lifted in the forming process. Materials commonly used are fly ash, silica fume, ground granulated blast-furnace slag, hydraulic lime, natural cement, and pozzolans.
Special-Purpose Admixtures. The list of materials used from earliest times as admixtures for various purposes includes almost everything from human blood to synthetic coloring agents. Admixtures for coloring concrete are available in all colors. The oldest and cheapest is perhaps carbon black. Admixtures causing expansion for use in sealing cracks or under machine bases, etc., include powdered aluminum and finely ground iron.
Special admixtures are available for use where the natural aggregate is alkali reactive, to neutralize this reaction. Proprietary admixtures are available that increase the tensile strength or bond strength of concrete. They are useful for making repairs to concrete surfaces. For special problems requiring concrete with unusual properties, detailed recommendations of ‘‘Chemical Admixtures for Concrete,’’ ACI 212.3R, and references it contains, may be helpful.
For all these special purposes, a thorough investigation of admixtures proposed is recommended. Tests should be made on samples containing various proportions for colored concrete. Strength and durability tests should be made on concrete to be exposed to sunlight, freezing, salt, or any other job condition expected, and special tests should be made for any special properties required, as a minimum precaution.

Rabu, Juni 27, 2007


Methods of measuring the quantities and mixing the ingredients for concrete, and the equipment available, vary greatly. For very small projects where mixing is performed on the site, the materials are usually batched by volume. Under these conditions, accurate proportioning is very difficult. To achieve a reasonable minimum quality of concrete, it is usually less expensive to prescribe an excess of cement than to employ quality control. The same conditions make use of airentraining cement preferable to separate admixtures. This practical approach is preferable also for very small projects to be supplied with ready-mixed concrete. Economy with excess cement will be achieved whenever volume is so small that the cost of an additional sack of cement per cubic yard is less than the cost of a single compression test.
For engineered construction, some measure of quality control is always employed. In general, all measurements of materials including the cement and water should be by weight. The ACI 318 Building Code provides a sliding scale of
overdesign for concrete mixes that is inversely proportional to the degree of quality control provided. In the sense used here, such overdesign is the difference between the specified and the actual average strength as measured by tests. Mixing and delivery of structural concrete may be performed by a wide variety of equipment and procedures:
Site mixed, for delivery by chute, pump, truck, conveyor, or rail dump cars. (Mixing procedure for normal-aggregate concretes and lightweight-aggregate concretes to be pumped are usually different, because the greater absorption of some lightweight aggregates must be satisfied before pumping.)
Central-plant mixed, for delivery in either open dump trucks or mixer trucks. Central-plant batching (weighing and measuring), for mixing and delivery by truck (‘‘dry-batched’’ ready mix).
Complete portable mixing plants are available and are commonly used for large building or paving projects distant from established sources of supply.
Generally, drum mixers are used. For special purposes, various other types of mixers are required. These special types include countercurrent mixers, in which the blades revolve opposite to the turning of the drum, usually about a vertical axis, for mixing very dry, harsh, nonplastic mixes. Such mixes are required for concrete masonry or heavy-duty floor toppings. Dry-batch mixers are used for dry shotcrete (sprayed concrete), where water and the dry-mixed cement and aggregate are blended between the nozzle of the gun and impact at the point of placing.
(‘‘Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete,’’ ACI

Selasa, Juni 26, 2007


About 21⁄2 gal of water can be chemically combined with each 94-lb sack of cement for full hydration and maximum strength. Water in excess of this amount will be required, however, to provide necessary workability.
Although concrete technologists define and measure workability and consistency separately and in various ways, the practical user specifies only one—slump (technically a measure of consistency). The practical user regards workability requirements simply as provision of sufficient water to permit concrete to be placed and consolidated without honeycomb or excessive water rise; to make concrete ‘‘pumpable’’ if it is to be placed by pumps; and for slabs, to provide a surface that can be finished properly. These workability requirements vary with the project and the placing, vibration, and finishing equipment used.
Slump is tested in the field very quickly. An open-ended, 12-in-high, truncated metal cone is filled in three equal-volume increments and each increment is consolidated separately, all according to a strict standard procedure (ASTM C143, ‘‘Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete’’). Slump is the sag of the concrete, in, after the cone is removed. The slump should be measured to the nearest 1⁄4 in which is about the limit of accuracy reproducible by expert inspectors. Unless the test is performed exactly in accordance with the standard procedure, the results are not comparable and therefore are useless.
The slump test is invalidated if: the operator fails to anchor the cone down by standing on the base wings; the test is performed on a wobbly base, such as formwork carrying traffic or a piece of metal on loose pebbles; the cone is not filled by inserting material in small amounts all around the perimeter, or filled and tamped in three equal increments; the top two layers are tamped deeper than their depth plus about 1 in; the top is pressed down to level it; the sample has been transported and permitted to segregate without remixing; unspecified operations, such as tapping the cone, occur; the cone is not lifted up smoothly in one movement; the cone tips over because of filling from one side or pulling the cone to one side; or if the measurement of slump is not made to the center vertical axis of the cone. Various penetration tests are quicker and more suitable for untrained personnel than the standard slump test. In each case, the penetration of an object into a flat surface of fresh concrete is measured and related to slump. These tests include use of the patented ‘‘Kelley ball’’ (ASTM C360, ‘‘Ball Penetration in Freshly Mixed
Hydraulic Cement Concrete’’) and a simple, standard tamping rod with a bullet nose marked with equivalent inches of slump.
Air Content
A field test frequently required measures the air entrapped and entrained in fresh concrete. Various devices (air meters) that are available give quick, convenient results. In the basic methods, the volume of a sample is measured, then the air content is removed or reduced under pressure, and finally the remaining volume is measured. The difference between initial and final volume is the air content. (See ASTM C138, C173, and C231.)
Cement Content. Tests on fresh concrete sometimes are employed to determine the amount of cement present in a batch. Although performed more easily than tests on hardened concrete, tests on fresh concrete nevertheless are too difficult for routine use and usually require mobile laboratory equipment.


Questions often arise between concrete suppliers and buyers regarding ‘‘yield,’’ or volume of concrete supplied. A major reason for this is that often the actual yield may be less than the yield calculated from the volumes of ingredients. For example, if the mix temperature varies, less air may be entrained; or if the sand becomes drier and no corrections in batch weights are made, the yield will be under that calculated.
If the specific gravity (sp. gr.) and absorption (abs.) of the aggregates have been determined in advance, accurate, yield calculations can be performed as often as necessary to adjust the yield for control of the concrete.


Principles for proportioning concrete to achieve a prescribed compressive strength after a given age under standard curing are simple.
1. The strength of a hardened concrete mix depends on the water-cementitious materials ratio (ratio of water to cementitious materials, by weight). The water and cementitious materials form a paste. If the paste is made with more water, it becomes weaker.
2. The ideal minimum amount of paste is that which will coat all aggregate particles and fill all voids.
3. For practical purposes, fresh concrete must possess workability sufficient for the placement conditions. For a given strength and with given materials, the cost of the mix increases as the workability increases. Additional workability is provided by more fine aggregate and more water, but more cementitious materials must also be added to keep the same water-cementitious materials ratio.


Only material conforming to specifications for normal-weight aggregate (ASTM C33) or lightweight aggregate for structural concrete (ASTM C330) is accepted under the ACI 318 Building Code without special tests. When an aggregate for which no experience record is available is considered for use, the modulus of elasticity and shrinkage as well as the compressive strength should be determined from trial batches of concrete made with the aggregate. In some localities, aggregates acceptable under C33 or C330 may impart abnormally low ratios of modulus of elasticity of strength (Ec /ƒc) or high shrinkage to concrete. Such aggregates should not be used.


The ACI 318 Building Code requires cement to conform to ASTM C150, ‘‘Standard Specification for Portland Cement;’’ or ASTM C595, ‘‘Standard Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements;’’ or ASTM C845, ‘‘Standard Specification for Expansive Hydraulic Cement.’’ Portland cements meeting the requirements of ASTM C150 are available in Types I to V and air-entraining Types IA to IIIA for use under different service conditions. The ACI 318 Building Code prohibits the use of slag cement, Types A and SA (ASTM C595), because these types are not intended as principal cementing constituents of structural concrete.
Although all the preceding cements can be used for concrete, they are not interchangeable. Note that both tensile and compressive strengths vary considerably, at early ages in particular, even for the five types of basic portland cement. Consequently, although project specifications for concrete strength are usually based ƒc on a standard 28-day age for the concrete, the proportions of ingredients required differ for each type. For concrete strengths up to 19,000 psi for columns in highrise buildings, specified compressive strengths are usually required at 56 days after initial set of the concrete. For the usual building project, where the load-strength
relationship is likely to be critical at a point in strength gain equivalent to 7-day standard curing (Fig. 9.1), substitution of a different type (sometimes brand) of cement without reproportioning the mix may be dangerous.
The accepted specifications (ASTM) for cements do not regulate cement temperature nor color. Nevertheless, in hot-weather concreting, the temperature of the fresh concrete and therefore of its constituents must be controlled. Cement temperatures above 170F are not recommended (‘‘Hot Weathering Concreting,’’ ACI 305R).
For exposed architectural concrete, not intended to be painted, control of color is desirable. For uniform color, the water-cement ratio and cement content must be kept constant, because they have significant effects on concrete color. Bear in mind that because of variations in the proportions of natural materials used, cements from different sources differ markedly in color. A change in brand of cement therefore can cause a change in color. Color differences also provoke a convenient check for substitution of types (or brands) of cement different from those used in trial batches made to establish proportions to be employed for a building.

Jumat, Juni 22, 2007


Management of the building process is best performed by the individuals educated and trained in the profession, that is, architects and engineers. While the laws of various states and foreign countries differ, they are consistent relative to the registration requirements for practicing architecture. No individual may legally indicate to the public that he or she is entitled to practice as an architect without a professional certificate of registration as an architect registered in the locale in which the project is to be constructed. This individual is the registered architect. In addition to the requirements for individual practice of architecture, most states and countries require a certificate of registration for a single practitioner and a certificate of authorization for an entity such as a corporation or partnership to conduct business in that locale.

An architect is a person who is qualified by education, training, experience, and examination and who is registered under the laws of the locale to practice architecture there. The practice of architecture within the meaning and intent of the law includes:

Offering or furnishing of professional services such as environmental analysis, feasibility studies, programming, planning, and aesthetic and structural design Preparation of construction documents, consisting of drawings and specifications, and other documents required in the construction process Administration of construction contracts and project representation in connection with the construction of building projects or addition to, alteration of, or restoration of buildings or parts of building.

All documents intended for use in construction are required to be prepared and administered in accordance with the standards of reasonable skill and diligence of the profession. Care must be taken to reflect the requirements of country and state statutes and county and municipal building ordinances. Inasmuch as architects are licensed for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare, documents prepared by architects must be of such quality and scope and be so administered as to conform to professional standards.

Nothing contained in the law is intended to prevent drafters, students, project representatives, and other employees of those lawfully practicing as registered architects from acting under the instruction, control, or supervision of their employers, or to prevent employment of project representatives from acting under the immediate personal supervision of the registered architect who prepared the construction documents.


Formwork is the surface, supports and framing used to define the shape of concrete until the concrete is self-supporting: (see AS3610 Formwork for Concrete).

‘Formwork’ includes:
• the forms on which concrete is poured;
• the supports to withstand the loads imposed by the forms and concrete; and
• any bracing added to ensure stability.
Together these components make the formwork assembly. Hazards associated with work involving the erection, alteration and/or dismantling of formwork include:
• formwork collapse (before, during and after placement of concrete);
• falls from heights;
• slips and trips;
• falling objects ;
• noise;
• dust; and
• manual tasks.
To properly manage risks, a person must
• identify hazards; and
• assess risks that may result because of the hazards; and
• decide on control measures to prevent, or minimise the level of, the risks; and
• implement control measures; and
• monitor and review the effectiveness of the measures.
Control measures must be implemented in an order of priority and implemented before work commences. The following example illustrates the order of priority where there is a risk a person could fall.


This guideline has been developed to provide information to engineers; contractors and others involved in the design, erection and use of false work and Formwork. For specific regulatory requirements regarding false work and framework, please consult the Construction Safety Regulations, adopted under the Workplace Safety and Health Act.

Engineering Design Requirements
Contractors must determine if form work/false work that is to be used on a project requires design work by an engineer. The following types of concrete Formwork and false work require the provision at the job-site of design and erection drawings and necessary supplementary information signed and sealed by a professional engineer.

Some engineers may choose to design only the Support false work portion of a form work system or a specific portion of the whole project. This must be made clear to contractors and so specified in all relevant drawings and documents. Statements such as "THIS IS NOT A FORMWORK DRAWING REQUIRED BY W.S.H. MR 189/85 “ written in the large print of a drawing should prevent the possibility of any misunderstanding. False work and Formwork design drawings need not be submitted to the Branch for approval or retention, but must be available at the project site.
The design engineer must authorize any revisions or changes to a false work structure. The engineer should ensure that written authorization is immediately available at the job-site, to be followed by proper documentation as soon as practicable.

Codes and Standards
CSA Standard S269.1 "False work for Construction Purposes" deals only with the design and erection of false work and specifically excludes forms.
The practice of noting on the drawings: "FORMWORK IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTORS," or "BLOCKING BY OTHERS," is not acceptable. Form work designers are
expected to show details of forms and all associated connections, blocking, braces and ties that
are necessary to ensure form work integrity during erection and concrete placement.
The CSA Standards 086, S16, S157 and A23 continue to provide the basis for Formwork
compliance. ACI Sp4 and ACI Standard 347 are recommended as reference and guides for form
work designers.
Where there are discrepancies between the regulations and the standards, the overriding or
qualifying requirements of the regulations prevail.

Design Recommendations for Precast Concrete Structures

In design of precast members and connections, ail loading and restraint conditions from casting to end use of the structure should be considered. The stresses developed in precast elements during the period from casting to final connection may be more critical than the service load stresses. Special attention should be given to the methods of stripping, storing, transporting, and erecting precast elements.

When precast members are incorporated into a structural system, the forces and deformations occurring in and adjacent to connections (in adjoining members and in the entire structure) should be considered. The structural behavior of precast elements may differ substantially from that of similar members that are monolithically cast in place. Design of connections to transmit forces due to shrinkage, creep, temperature change, elastic deformation, wind forces, and earthquake forces require special attention. Details of such connections are especially important to insure adequate performance of precast structures.

Precast members and connections should be designed to meet tolerance requirements. The behavior of precast members and connections is sensitive to tolerances. Design should provide for the effects of adverse combinations of fabrication and erection tolerances. Tolerance requirements should be listed on contract documents, and may be specified by reference to accepted standards. Tolerances that deviate from accepted standards should be so indicated.

All details of reinforcement, connections, bearing elements, inserts, anchors, concrete cover, openings and lifting devices, and specified strength of concrete at critical stages of fabrication and construction, should be shown on either the contract documents prepared by the architecilengineer of record or on the shop drawings furnished by the contractor. Whether this information is to be shown on the contract documents or shop drawings depends on the provisions of the contract documents. The shop drawings should show, as a minimum, all details of the precast concrete members and embedded items. The contract documents may specify that portions of connections exterior to the member are also to be shown on the shop drawings. The contract documents may also require the contractor to provide designs for the members
and/or connections.

Rabu, Juni 20, 2007


Like building codes, zoning codes are established under the police powers of the state, to protect the health, welfare, and safety of the public. Zoning, however, primarily regulates land use by controlling types of occupancy of buildings, building height, and density and activity of population in specific parts of a jurisdiction.

Zoning codes are usually developed by a planning commission and administered by the commission or a building department. Land-use controls adopted by the local planning commission for current application are indicated on a zoning map. It divides the jurisdiction into districts, shows the type of occupancy, such as commercial, industrial, or residential, permitted in each district, and notes limitations on building height and bulk and on population density in each district.

The planning commission usually also prepares a master plan as a guide to the growth of the jurisdiction. A future land-use plan is an important part of the master plan. The commission’s objective is to steer changes in the zoning map in the direction of the future land-use plan. The commission, however, is not required to adhere rigidly to the plans for the future. As conditions warrant, the commission may grant variances from any of the regulations.

In addition, the planning commission may establish land subdivision regulations, to control development of large parcels of land. While the local zoning map specifies minimum lot area for a building and minimum frontage a lot may have along a street, subdivision regulations, in contrast, specify the level of improvements to be installed in new land-development projects. These regulations contain criteria for location, grade, width, and type of pavement of streets, length of blocks, open spaces to be provided, and right of way for utilities.

A jurisdiction may also be divided into fire zones in accordance with population density and probable degree of danger from fire. The fire-zone map indicates the limitations on types of construction that the zoning map would otherwise permit.

In the vicinity of airports, zoning may be applied to maintain obstruction-free approach zones for aircraft and to provide noise-attenuating distances around the airports. Airport zoning limits building heights in accordance with distance from the airport.

Control of Building Height. Zoning places limitations on building dimensions to limit population density and to protect the rights of occupants of existing buildings to light, air, and esthetic surroundings. Various zoning ordinances achieve these objectives in a variety of ways, including establishment of a specific maximum height or number of stories, limitation of height in accordance with street width, setting minimums for distances of buildings from lot lines, or relating total floor area in a building to the lot area or to the area of the lot occupied by a building.

Some zoning ordinances, however, permit an alternative that many designers prefer. If the building is set back from the lot lines at the base to provide a streetlevel plaza, which is a convenience to the public and reduces building bulk, zoning permits the building to be erected as a sheer tower The code may set a maximum floor-area ratio of 15 or 18, depending on whether the floor area at any level of the tower does not exceed 50 or 40%, respectively, of the lot area.


Systems design of buildings requires a different approach to design and construction than that used in traditional design. Because traditional design and construction procedures are still widely used, however, it is desirable to incorporate as much of those procedures in systems design as is feasible without destroying its effectiveness. This will make the transition from traditional design to systems design easier. Also, those trained in systems design of buildings will then be capable of practicing in traditional ways, if necessary. There are several variations of traditional design and construction. These are described throughout this book. For the purpose of illustrating how they may be modified for systems design, however, one widely used variation, which will be called basic traditional design and construction, is described in the following.

In the basic traditional design procedure, design usually starts when a client recognizes the need for and economic feasibility of a building and engages an architect, a professional with a broad background in building design. The architect, in turn, engages consulting engineers and other consultants. For most buildings, structural, mechanical, and electrical consulting engineers are required. A structural engineer is a specialist trained in the application of scientific principles to the design of load-bearing walls, floors, roofs, foundations, and skeleton framing needed for the support of buildings and building components. A mechanical engineer is a specialist trained in the application of scientific principles to the design of plumbing, elevators, escalators, horizontal walkways, dumbwaiters, conveyors, installed machinery, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. An electrical engineer is a specialist trained in the application of scientific principles to the design of electric circuits, electric controls and safety devices, electric motors and generators, electric lighting, and other electric equipment.

For buildings on a large site, the architect may engage a landscape architect as a consultant. For a concert hall, an acoustics consultant may be engaged; for a hospital, a hospital specialist; for a school, a school specialist. The architect does the overall planning of the building and incorporates the output of the consultants into the contract documents. The architect determines what internal and external spaces the client needs, the sizes of these spaces, their relative locations, and their interconnections. The results of this planning are shown in floor plans, which also diagram the internal flow, or circulation, of people and supplies.

Major responsibilities of the architect are enhancement of the appearance inside and outside of the building and keeping adverse environmental impact of the structure to a minimum. The exterior of the building is shown in drawings, called elevations.

The location and orientation of the building is shown in a site plan. The architect also prepares the specifications for the building. These describe in detail the materials and equipment to be installed in the structure. In addition, the architect, usually with the aid of an attorney engaged by the client, prepares the construction contract.

The basic traditional design procedure is executed in several stages. In the first stage, the architect develops a program, or list of the client’s requirements. In the next stage, the schematic or conceptual phase, the architect translates requirements into spaces, relates the spaces and makes sketches, called schematics, to illustrate the concepts. When sufficient information is obtained on the size and general construction of the building, a rough estimate is made of construction cost. If this cost does not exceed the cost budgeted by the client for construction, the next stage, design development, proceeds. In this stage, the architect and consultants work out more details and show the results in preliminary construction drawings and outline specifications. A preliminary cost estimate utilizing the greater amount of information on the building now available is then prepared. If this cost does not exceed the client’s budget, the final stage, the contract documents phase, starts. It culminates in production of working, or construction, drawings and specifications, which are incorporated in the contract between the client and a builder and therefore

become legal documents. Before the documents are completed, however, a final cost estimate is prepared. If the cost exceeds the client’s budget, the design is revised to achieve the necessary cost reduction.

In the traditional design procedure, after the estimated cost is brought within the budget and the client has approved the contract documents, the architect helps the owner in obtaining bids from contractors or in negotiating a construction price with a qualified contractor. For private work, construction not performed for a governmental agency, the owner generally awards the construction contract to a contractor, called a general contractor. Assigned the responsibility for construction of the building, this contractor may perform some, all, or none of the work. Usually, much of the work is let out to specialists, called subcontractors. For public work, there may be a legal requirement that bids be taken and the contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Sometimes also, separate contracts have to be awarded for the major specialists, such as mechanical and electrical trades, and to a general contractor, who is assigned responsibility for coordinating the work of the trades and performance of the work.

Building design should provide for both normal and emergency conditions. The latter includes fire, explosion, power cutoffs, hurricanes, and earthquakes. The design should include access and facilities for disabled persons.


Construction under the traditional construction procedure is performed by contractors. While they would like to satisfy the owner and the building designers, contractors have the main objective of making a profit. Hence, their initial task is to prepare a bid price based on an accurate estimate of construction costs. This requires development of a concept for performance of the work and a construction time schedule. After a contract has been awarded, contractors must furnish and pay for all materials, equipment, power, labor, and supervision required for construction. The owner compensates the contractors for construction costs and services.

A general contractor assumes overall responsibility for construction of a building. The contractor engages subcontractors who take responsibility for the work of the various trades required for construction. For example, a plumbing contractor installs the plumbing, an electrical contractor installs the electrical system, a steel erector structural steel, and an elevator contractor installs elevators. Their contracts are with the general contractor, and they are paid by the general contractor.

Sometimes, in addition to a general contractor, the owners contracts separately with specialty contractors, such as electrical and mechanical contractors, who perform a substantial amount of the work required for a building. Such contractors are called prime contractors. Their work is scheduled and coordinated by the general contractor, but they are paid directly by the owner.

Sometimes also, the owner may use the design-build method and award a contract to an organization for both the design and construction of a building. Such organizations are called design-build contractors. One variation of this type of contract is employed by developers of groups of one-family homes or low-rise apartment buildings. The homebuilder designs and constructs the dwellings, but the design is substantially completed before owners purchase the homes.

Administration of the construction procedure often is difficult. Consequently, some owners seek assistance from an expert, called a professional construction manager, with extensive construction experience, who receives a fee. The construction manager negotiates with general contractors and helps select one to construct the building. Managers usually also supervise selection of subcontractors. During construction, they help control costs, expedite equipment and material deliveries, and keep the work on schedule. In some cases, instead, the owner may prefer to engage a construction program manager, to assist in administrating both design and construction.

Construction contractors employ labor that may or may not be unionized. Unionized craftspeople are members of unions that are organized by construction trades, such as carpenter, plumber, and electrician unions. Union members will perform only the work assigned to their trade. On the job, groups of workers are supervised by crew supervisors, all of whom report to a superintendent.

During construction, all work should be inspected. For this purpose, the owner, often through the architect and consultants, engages inspectors. The field inspectors may be placed under the control of an owner’s representative, who may be titled clerk of the works, architect’s superintendent, engineer’s superintendent, or resident engineer. The inspectors have the responsibility of ensuring that construction meets the requirements of the contract documents and is performed under safe conditions. Such inspections may be made at frequent intervals.

In addition, inspections also are made by representatives of one or more governmental agencies. They have the responsibility of ensuring that construction meets legal requirements and have little or no concern with detailed conformance with the contract documents. Such legal inspections are made periodically or at the end of certain stages of construction. One agency that will make frequent inspections

is the local or state building department, whichever has jurisdiction. The purpose of these inspections is to ensure conformance with the local or state building code. During construction, standards, regulations, and procedures of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration should be observed. These are given in detail in ‘‘Construction Industry. OSHA Safety and Health Standards (29CFR1926/1910),’’ Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.

Following is a description of the basic traditional construction procedure for a multistory building:

After the award of a construction contract to a general contractor, the owner may ask the contractor to start a portion of the work before signing of the contract by giving the contractor a letter of intent or after signing of the contract by issuing a written notice to proceed. The contractor then obtains construction permits, as required, from governmental agencies, such as the local building, water, sewer, and highway departments. The general contractor plans and schedules construction operations in detail and mobilizes equipment and personnel for the project. Subcontractors are notified of the contract award and issued letters of intent or awarded subcontracts, then are given, at appropriate times, notices to proceed.

Before construction starts, the general contractor orders a survey to be made of adjacent structures and terrain, both for the record and to become knowledgeable of local conditions. A survey is then made to lay out construction.

Field offices for the contractor are erected on or near the site. If desirable for safety reasons to protect passersby, the contractor erects a fence around the site and an overhead protective cover, called a bridge. Structures required to be removed from the site are demolished and the debris is carted away.

Next, the site is prepared to receive the building. This work may involve grading the top surface to bring it to the proper elevations, excavating to required depths for basement and foundations, and shifting of utility piping. For deep excavations, earth sides are braced and the bottom is drained.

Major construction starts with the placement of foundations, on which the building rests. This is followed by the erection of load-bearing walls and structural framing. Depending on the height of the building, ladders, stairs, or elevators may be installed to enable construction personnel to travel from floor to floor and eventually to the roof. Also, hoists may be installed to lift materials to upper levels. If needed, temporary flooring may be placed for use of personnel.

As the building rises, pipes, ducts, and electric conduit and wiring are installed.

Then, permanent floors, exterior walls, and windows are constructed. At the appropriate time, permanent elevators are installed. If required, fireproofing is placed for steel framing. Next, fixed partitions are built and the roof and its covering, or roofing, are put in place.

Finishing operations follow. These include installation of the following: ceilings; tile; wallboard; wall paneling; plumbing fixtures; heating furnaces; air-conditioning equipment; heating and cooling devices for rooms; escalators; floor coverings; window glass; movable partitions; doors; finishing hardware; electrical equipment and apparatus, including lighting fixtures, switches, outlets, transformers, and controls; and other items called for in the drawings and specifications. Field offices, fences, bridges, and other temporary construction must be removed from the site. Utilities, such as gas, electricity, and water, are hooked up to the building. The site is landscaped and paved. Finally, the building interior is painted and cleaned.

The owner’s representatives then give the building a final inspection. If they find that the structure conforms with the contract documents, the owner accepts the project and gives the general contractor final payment on issuance by the building department of a certificate of occupancy, which indicates that the completed building meets building-code requirements.


Systems design comprises a logical series of steps that leads to the best decision for a given set of conditions. The procedure requires:

Analysis of a building as a system.

Synthesis, or selection of components, to form a system that meets specific objectives while subject to constraints, or variables controllable by designers.

Appraisal of system performance, including comparisons with alternative systems.

Feedback to analysis and synthesis of information obtained in system evaluation, to improve the design.

The prime advantage of the procedure is that, through comparisons of alternatives and data feedback to the design process, systems design converges on an optimum, or best, system for the given conditions. Another advantage is that the procedure enables designers to clarify the requirements for the building being designed.

Still another advantage is that the procedure provides a common basis of understanding and promotes cooperation between the specialists in various aspects of building design.

For a building to be treated as a system, as required in systems design, it is necessary to know what a system is and what its basic characteristic are.

A system is an assemblage formed to satisfy specific objectives and subject to constraints and restrictions and consisting of two or more components that are interrelated and compatible, each component being essential to the required performance of the system.

Because the components are required to be interrelated, operation, or even the mere existence, of one component affects in some way the performance of other components. Also, the required performance of the system as a whole, as well as the constraints on the system, imposes restrictions on each component.

A building meets the preceding requirements. By definition, it is an assemblage. It is constructed to serve specific purposes. It is subject to constraints while doing so, inasmuch as designers can control properties of the system by selection of components. Building components, such as walls, floors, roofs, windows, and doors, are interrelated and compatible with each other. The existence of any of thee components affects to some extent the performance of the others. And the required performance of the building as a whole imposes restrictions on the components. Consequently, a building has the basic characteristics of a system, and systems-design procedures should be applicable to it.

Systems Analysis. A group of components of a system may also be a system. Such a group is called a subsystem. It, too, may be designed as a system, but its goal must be to assist the system of which it is a component to meet its objectives. Similarly, a group of components of a subsystem may also be a system. That group is called a subsubsystem.

For brevity, the major subsystems of a building are referred to as systems in this

book. In a complex system, such as a building, subsystems and other components may be combined in a variety of ways to form different systems. For the purposes of

building design, the major systems are usually defined in accordance with the construction trades that will assemble them, for example, structural framing, plumbing, electrical systems, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. In systems analysis, a system is resolved into its basic components. Subsystems are determined. Then, the system is investigated to determine the nature, interaction, and performance of the system as a whole. The investigation should answer such questions as:

What does each component (or subsystem) do?

What does the component do it to?

How does the component serve its function?

What else does the component do?

Why does the component do the things it does?

What must the component really do?

Can it be eliminated because it is not essential or because another component

can assume its tasks?


Administration of building construction is difficult, as a result of which some clients, or owners, engage a construction manager or construction program manager to act as the owner’s authorizing agent and project overseer. The reasons for the complexity of construction administration can be seen from an examination of the owner’s role before and during construction.

After the owner recognizes the need for a new building, the owner establishes project goals and determines the economic feasibility of the project. If it appears to be feasible, the owner develops a building program (list of requirements), budget, and time schedule for construction. Next, preliminary arrangements are made to finance construction. Then, the owner selects a construction program manager or an architect for design of the building. Later, a construction manager may be chosen, if desired.

The architect may seek from the owner approval of the various consultants that will be needed for design. If a site for the building has not been obtained at this stage, the architect can assist in site selection. When a suitable site has been found, the owner purchases it and arranges for surveys and subsurface explorations to provide information for locating the building, access, foundation design and construction, and landscaping. It is advisable at this stage for the owner to start developing harmonious relations with the community in which the building will be erected.

During design, the owner assists with critical design decisions; approves schematic drawings, rough cost estimates, preliminary drawings, outline specifications, preliminary cost estimates, contract documents, and final cost estimate; pays designers’ fees in installments as design progresses; and obtains a construction loan.

Then, the owner awards the general contract for construction and orders construction to start. Also, the owner takes out liability, property, and other desirable insurance.

At the start of construction, the owner arranges for construction permits. As construction proceeds, the owner’s representatives inspect the work to ensure compliance with the contract documents. Also, the owner pays contractors in accordance with the terms of the contract. Finally, the owner approves and accepts the completed project.

One variation of the preceding procedure is useful when time available for construction is short. It is called phase, or fast-track, construction. In this variation, the owner engages a construction manager and a general contractor before design has been completed, to get an early start on construction. Work then proceeds on some parts of the building while other parts are still being designed. For example, excavation and foundation construction are carried out while design of the structural framing is being finished. The structural framing is erected, while heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning, electrical, plumbing, wall, and finishing details are being developed. For tall buildings, the lower portion can be constructed while the upper part is still being designed. For large, low-rise buildings, one section can be built while another is under design.


A building is an assemblage that is firmly attached to the ground and that provides total or nearly total shelter for machines, processing equipment, performance of human activities, storage of human possessions, or any combination of these.

Building design is the process of providing all information necessary for construction of a building that will meet its owner’s requirements and also satisfy public health, welfare, and safety requirements. Architecture is the art and science of building design. Building construction is the process of assembling materials to form a building.

Building design may be legally executed only by persons deemed competent to do so by the state in which the building is to be constructed. Competency is determined on the basis of education, experience, and ability to pass a written test of design skills.

Architects are persons legally permitted to practice architecture. Engineers are experts in specific scientific disciplines and are legally permitted to design parts of buildings; in some cases, complete buildings. In some states, persons licensed as building designers are permitted to design certain types of buildings.

Building construction is generally performed by laborers and craftspeople engaged for the purpose by an individual or organization, called a contractor. The contractor signs an agreement, or contract, with the building owner under which the contractor agrees to construct a specific building on a specified site and the owner agrees to pay for the materials and services provided.

In the design of a building, architects should be guided by the following principles:

1. The building should be constructed to serve purposes specified by the client.

2. The design should be constructable by known techniques and with available labor and equipment, within an acceptable time.

3. The building should be capable of withstanding the elements and normal usage for a period of time specified by the client.

4. Both inside and outside, the building should be visually pleasing.

5. No part of the building should pose a hazard to the safety or health of its occupants under normal usage, and the building should provide for safe evacuation or refuge in emergencies.

6. The building should provide the degree of shelter from the elements and of control of the interior environment—air, temperature, humidity, light, and acoustics-specified by the client and not less than the minimums required for safety and health of the occupants.

7. The building should be constructed to minimize adverse impact on the environment.

8. Operation of the building should consume a minimum of energy while permitting the structure to serve its purposes.

9. The sum of costs of construction, operation, maintenance, repair, and anticipated future alterations should be kept within the limit specified by the client.

The ultimate objective of design is to provide all the information necessary for the construction of a building. This objective is achieved by the production of drawings, or plans, showing what is to be constructed, specifications stating what materials and equipment are to be incorporated in the building, and a construction contract between the client and a contractor. Designers also should observe construction of the building while it is in process. This should be done not only to assist the client in ensuring that the building is being constructed in accordance with plans and specifications but also to obtain information that will be useful in design of future buildings.


Construction cost of a building usually is a dominant design concern. One reason is that if construction cost exceeds the owner’s budget, the owner may cancel the project. Another reason is that costs, such as property taxes and insurance, that occur after completion of the building often are proportional to the initial cost.

Hence, owners usually try to keep that cost low. Designing a building to minimize construction cost, however, may not be in the owner’s best interests. There are many other costs that the owner incurs during the anticipated life of the building that should be taken into account.

Before construction of a building starts, the owner generally has to make a sizable investment in the project. The major portion of this expenditure usually goes for purchase of the site and building design. Remaining preconstruction costs include those for feasibility studies, site selection and evaluation, surveys, and program definition.

The major portion of the construction cost is the sum of the payments to the general contractor and prime contractors. Remaining construction costs usually consist of interest on the construction loan, permit fees, and costs of materials, equipment, and labor not covered by the construction contracts.

The initial cost to the owner is the sum of preconstruction, construction, and occupancy costs. The latter covers costs of moving possessions into the building and start-up of utility services, such as water, gas, electricity, and telephone.

After the building is occupied, the owner incurs costs for operation and maintenance of the buildings. Such costs are a consequence of decisions made during building design.

Often, preconstruction costs are permitted to be high so that initial costs can be kept low. For example, operating the building may be expensive because the design makes artificial lighting necessary when daylight could have been made available or because extra heating and air conditioning are necessary because of inadequate insulation of walls and roof. As another example, maintenance may be expensive because of the difficulty of changing electric lamps or because cleaning the building is time-consuming and laborious. In addition, frequent repairs may be needed because of poor choice of materials during design. Hence, operation and maintenance costs over a specific period of time, say 10 or 20 years, should be taken into account in optimizing the design of a building.

Life-cycle cost is the sum of initial, operating, and maintenance costs. Generally, it is life-cycle cost that should be minimized in building design rather than construction cost. This would enable the owner to receive the greatest return on the investment in the building. ASTM has promulgated a standard method for calculating life-cycle costs of buildings, E917, Practice for Measuring Life-Cycle Costs of Buildings and Building Systems, as well as a computer program and user’s guide to improve accuracy and speed of calculation.

Nevertheless, a client usually establishes a construction budget independent of life-cycle cost. This often is necessary because the client does not have adequate capital for an optimum building and places too low a limit on construction cost. The client hopes to have sufficient capital later to pay for the higher operating and maintenance costs or for replacement of undesirable building materials and installed equipment. Sometimes, the client establishes a low construction budget because the client’s goal is a quick profit on early sale of the building, in which case the client has little or no concern with future high operating and maintenance costs for the building. For these reasons, construction cost frequently is a dominant concern in design.


Many of the restrictions encountered in building design are imposed by legal regulations. While all must be met, those in building codes are the most significant because they affect almost every part of a building.

Building codes are established under the police powers of a state to protect the health, welfare, and safety of communities. A code is administered by a building official of the municipality or state that adopts it by legislation. Development of a local code may be guided by a model code, such as those promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials, Inc., Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc., and Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc.

In general, building-code requirements are the minimum needed for public protection. Design of a building must satisfy these requirements. Often, however, architects and engineers must design more conservatively, to meet the client’s needs, produce a more efficient building system, or take into account conditions not covered fully by code provisions.

Construction drawings for a building should be submitted to the building-code administrator before construction starts. If the building will meet code requirements, the administrator issues a building permit, on receipt of which the contractor may commence building. During construction, the administrator sends inspectors periodically to inspect the work. If they discover a violation, they may issue an order to remove it or they may halt construction, depending on the seriousness of the violation. On completion of construction, if the work conforms to code requirements, the administrator issues to the owner a certificate of occupancy.

Forms of Codes. Codes often are classified as specifications type or performance type. A specification-type code names specific materials for specific uses and specifies minimum or maximum dimensions, for example, ‘‘a brick wall may not be less than 6 in thick.’’ A performance-type code, in contrast, specifies required performance of a construction but leaves materials, methods, and dimensions for the designers to choose. Performance-type codes are generally preferred, because they give designers greater design freedom in meeting clients’ needs, while satisfying the intent of the code. Most codes, however, are neither strictly specifications non performance type but rather a mixture of the two. The reason for this is that insufficient information is currently available for preparation of an entire enforceable performance code.

The organization of building codes varies with locality. Generally, however, they consist of two parts, one dealing with administration and enforcement and the other specifying requirements for design and construction in detail.

Part 1 usually covers licenses, permits, fees, certificates of occupancy, safety, projections beyond street lines, alterations, maintenance, applications, approval of drawings, stop-work orders, and posting of buildings to indicate permissible live loads and occupant loads.

Part 2 gives requirements for structural components, lighting, HVAC, plumbing, gas piping and fixtures, elevators and escalators, electrical distribution, stairs, corridors, walls, doors, and windows. This part also defines and sets limits on occupancy and construction-type classifications. In addition, the second part contains provisions for safety of public and property during construction operations and for fire protection and means of egress after the building is occupied.

Many of the preceding requirements are adopted by reference in the code from nationally recognized standards or codes of practice. These may be promulgated by agencies of the federal government or by such organizations as the American National Standards Institute, ASTM, American Institute of Steel Construction, American Concrete Institute, and American Institute of Timber Construction.

Code Classifications of Buildings. Building codes usually classify a building in accordance with the fire zone in which it is located, the type of occupancy, and the type of construction, which is an indication of the fire protection offered.

The fire zone in which a building is located may be determined from the community’s fire-district zoning map. The building code specifies the types of construction and occupancy groups permitted or prohibited in each fire zone.

The occupancy group to which a building official assigns a building depends on the use to which the building is put. Typical classifications include one- and two-story dwellings; apartment buildings, hotels, dormitories; industrial buildings with noncombustible, combustible, or hazardous contents; schools; hospitals and nursing homes; and places of assembly, such as theaters, concert halls, auditoriums, and stadiums.

Type of construction of a building is determined, in general, by the fire ratings assigned to its components. A code usually establishes two major categories: combustible and noncombustible construction. The combustible type may be subdivided in accordance with the fire protection afforded major structural components and the rate at which they will burn; for example, heavy timber construction is considered slow-burning. The noncombustible type may be subdivided in accordance with the fire-resistive characteristics of components.

Building codes may set allowable floor areas for fire-protection purposes. The limitations depend on occupancy group and type of construction. The purpose is to delay or prevent spread of fire over large portions of the building. For the same reason, building codes also may restrict building height and number of stories. In addition, to permit rapid and orderly egress in emergencies, such as fire, codes limit the occupant load, or number of persons allowed in a building or room. In accordance with permitted occupant loads, codes indicate the number of exits of adequate capacity and fire protection that must be provided.